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The Unique Identification Number (UIN) is a unique and random identifier. It is assigned to each person successfully registered in the biometric identification program and allows, by its nature, to preserve the confidentiality of the characteristics of its holder (age, gender, place of residence, nationality, etc.). The UIN is used as an interoperability link between the databases of public administrations, local authorities or public organizations which manage social assistance programs.


It is a real-time online service which allows local authorities, public or private organizations to verify the veracity of the information declared by a person, by comparing it with that of the biometric identification program.

An authentication request is initiated using the combination of the UIN and one of the following elements:

  1. Biometric data (photo, IRIS image or fingerprints)
  2. Code received on telephone or email address
  3. Demographic data (date of birth, gender)

The result of an authentication request makes it possible to affirm or deny the identity of the person concerned (Yes/No response) or to obtain additional demographic data.

The authentication service offered by the biometric identification program has multiple advantages. During administrative procedures linked to social programs, it exempts the individuals concerned from the need to provide supporting documents, relying on the data already recorded in the biometric identification program. In addition, this service contributes to the transition to a broader digital ecosystem, by enabling the dematerialization of identity verification processes and guaranteeing the authenticity of profiles using online services.

The biometric identification program offers a variety of authentication modalities to meet the different requirements of its partners. When a person agrees to authenticate, they have the option of combining their UIN (or VID) with one of the following authentication methods:

  • UIN + Biometrics (Photo of the face, iris or fingerprint capture);
  • UIN + Demographic data (Last name, first name, gender, date of birth, identity card, etc.);
  • UIN + Access code received by SMS and email;
  • UIN + Multi-factor authentication (Combination of at least two of the previously mentioned modalities).

The VID, or Virtual ID, is a random and revocable number temporarily generated on the e-ID Togo portal, at the request of the individual. It has the ability to substitute the UIN each time an authentication request is made. The VID guarantees the confidentiality of the UIN when required or preferred by the applicant, thus providing an additional security option during authentication procedures.

Registration in the biometric identification program allows you to have a UIN which is a prerequisite to benefit from the social assistance programs associated with it. The information validated during registration in the biometric identification program allows simplified identification and considerable reduction in administrative procedures with all partner systems.

No, however, it will become compulsory if you wish to benefit from social protection programs.

When applying for registration in the biometric identification program, please provide the duly completed registration form, accompanied by one of the following documents:

  • A photocopy of the valid national electronic identity card.
  • A photocopy of the valid residence permit for foreigners residing in Togo.
  • A birth certificate.
  • Proof of status as legal representative in the event of registration of a minor or an adult under guardianship.

In the event of unavailability of any document proving the identity of the person concerned, the local administrative authority may accept the testimony of two individuals registered in the national population register, provided with the national electronic identity card or the residence permit.


Registration of children under 5 years of age requires that the face photo or iris image of the child's legal representative be captured. It is imperative that the legal representative is already registered in the biometric identification program or plans to register on the same day on which he wishes to initiate the registration procedure for the child under 5 years old.

In the event of loss of the UIN , it is possible to initiate a recovery procedure free of charge by going to the registration center corresponding to the person's residence. You can access the list of registration centers by clicking on the link provided here.

Similar to the biometric identification program registration procedure, to make changes to your personal information, please visit the registration center affiliated with your place of residence. Make sure you have supporting documents relating to the modification you wish to make.

Online pre-registration via the e-ID Togo portal has multiple advantages. It allows the applicant to complete the registration form online, thus simplifying the procedure. When visiting the registration center affiliated with their residence, the applicant benefits from the efficiency of this pre-registration, since the information previously entered online is directly taken into account, thus speeding up the registration process.

After completing the pre-registration on the e-ID Togo portal, the applicant is encouraged to complete their registration at one of the registration centers, which depend on the person's residence. The applicant also has the possibility of directly initiating his registration at a registration center.

When registering for the biometric identification program, the information collected includes demographic data, such as first and last name and address. In addition, contact information such as an email address or mobile phone number is also stored, if available. Biometric data, including an iris image and a facial photo, is an integral part of the process. If registering a minor, information on the identity of the guardian is also required.

Registration for the biometric identification program is completely free, there is no cost associated with the registration application for individuals wishing to register for the biometric identification program.

The registration center is the place where you must go to register or finalize your pre-registration for the biometric identification program. It is located at the level of the local administrative authority to which the applicant's place of residence belongs. You can check the list of registration centers by clicking here.

The authentication service is open to public administrations, local authorities, as well as public or private organizations part of the biometric identification program. These entities, subject to the consent of the person, may use the personal data stored by the biometric identification program to carry out identity verifications or checks of the information declared when registering for social programs.

The mission of the intermediary organization providing data authentication services is to transmit in real time the responses of the national registers agency to the public administrations, local authorities and public and private organizations concerned. These responses can take the form of an affirmation, a negation or additional data. The intermediary organization plays an essential role in maintaining the quality of the authentication service and the availability of the requested information.



The Biometric Identification Program: Services

Asset Publisher

This service allows you to find the list of registration centers near your place of residence.
This service allows you to track the status of your registration via registration ID.
This service allows you to obtain a hidden overview of your phone number and email registered.
This service allows you to download a PDF version of the digital ID.