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Formalités et procédures

Procedure - Comment obtenir votre NIU

How to get your UIN (Unqiue Identification Number)

We are here to guide you step by step through the instructions and formalities necessary to obtain your UIN.

In the sections to come, we will provide a detailed description of the essential elements that make up the journey to securing digital identity. These steps have been carefully designed to simplify the often complex formalities associated with acquiring a digital identity.


Recognizing the importance of this process, a commitment has been made to ensure its accessibility and simplicity.

We start with the initial phase, which involves submitting the registration request online via the online pre-registration application. This preliminary step lays the foundations for establishing your digital identity. Next, we will explore the registration process, an essential aspect of the procedure. This step involves meticulously cross-checking the information you provide with reliable databases and validation methods, prioritizing the highest confidentiality and security of your data.

Procedure Steps



Read, understand and sign the consent document.

In this crucial step, you will be required to carefully review, comprehend, and formally endorse the consent document. This document outlines the terms and conditions of your participation in our biometric identification program, ensuring transparency and adherence to data protection regulations. Your informed consent is a fundamental element in the process, underscoring our commitment to respecting your rights and privacy throughout the journey to obtaining your digital ID.



Complete the minimum demographic data sheet.

In this step, you will be asked to provide the essential demographic information required for your digital ID. This data sheet includes basic personal details such as your name, date of birth, and contact information. Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of this information is crucial for a seamless digital identity creation process. Your cooperation in completing this data sheet is greatly appreciated and contributes to the efficiency and security of the overall procedure.




Go in front of the check-in operators and present proof of identity or be accompanied by two witnesses.

This step involves visiting our check-in operators to present your proof of identity, a critical verification process for your digital ID. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can be accompanied by two witnesses who can vouch for your identity. This dual approach ensures the utmost security and accuracy in the establishment of your digital identity, safeguarding the integrity of the process.



Taking fingerprints, irises and photos.

In this pivotal step, we will capture your fingerprints, iris scans, and photographs, all of which are integral components in the creation of your digital ID. These biometric data points are unique to you and serve as robust identifiers, enhancing the security and reliability of your digital identity. Our trained technicians will ensure the precise collection of this information, contributing to the effectiveness and authenticity of your digital ID.




Collect the registration receipt.

Upon completing the necessary procedures, you will receive a registration receipt, a vital document that confirms your successful registration in our biometric identification program. This receipt serves as evidence of your participation and provides essential information regarding your digital ID. It is advisable to keep this receipt in a safe and easily accessible place for future reference, as it will be a valuable resource throughout your biometric identification journey.



Retrieve the Unique Identification Number (UIN)

After the completion of the registration process, you will be provided with your Unique Identification Number (UIN). This UIN is a distinctive identifier exclusively associated with your digital identity. It plays a central role in accessing and utilizing your digital ID across various platforms and services. Safeguard your UIN as it will serve as a key to unlock the benefits and convenience of your digital identity in the digital age.



Procedure - Vous avez des questions ?

You have questions?

The Biometric Identification Program: FAQ

Overview of the most frequently asked questions representing the keywords of the biometric identification program.

All questions / answers

FAQ - Procedure

Registration in the biometric identification program allows you to have a UIN which is a prerequisite to benefit from the social assistance programs associated with it. The information validated during registration in the biometric identification program allows simplified identification and considerable reduction in administrative procedures with all partner systems.

The registration center is the place where you must go to register or finalize your pre-registration for the biometric identification program. It is located at the level of the local administrative authority to which the applicant's place of residence belongs.

The Unique Identification Number (UIN) is a unique and random identifier. It is assigned to each person successfully registered in the biometric identification program and allows, by its nature, to preserve the confidentiality of the characteristics of its holder (age, gender, place of residence, nationality, etc.). The UIN is used as an interoperability link between the databases of public administrations, local authorities or public organizations which manage social assistance programs.